Monday, October 8, 2007

DNA NanoPhotonics –tech to Green Nanotechnology

“Scientist have recently discovered that DNA – ‘the molecule of life’ – is an exciting new material for fabricating photonics devices with enhanced properties.” Andrew Steckl

Nanotechnology is exciting technology which has potential to fundamentally change the way in which we do business, build products. Nanoconvergence of Biotechnology, Nanoelectronics, Photonics, Information Technology, Cognitive science will offer us many novel applications to foresee. Convergence with other technologies made Nanotechnology change agent (one of the infrequent) that can influence all industries.

At the same time, we are aware that producing nanomaterial’s or the product including these materials may cause the damage to the environment or to the human health. Also it could unfavorably interact with the environment in unknown ways. Green nanotechnology involves an approach to risk mitigation in emerging technologies/industries. It will happen using more and more green nano materials (mostly biomaterials) and practices. Biomaterials will limit the toxic waste generated in nanoindustry.

The most important and famous biomaterial known to man is (deoxyribonucleic acid) DNA, the polymeric molecule that carries the genetic code in all living organisms. The potential for constructing photonic devices from ‘the molecule of life’, has given birth to DNA nanophotonics and is attracting the interest of the wider scientific community.

DNA is found to be Photonic Band Gap (PBG), high conductance material. It is essential to understand the role of DNA as a functional building block in molecular nanoscale devices, and work on the complex interactions between structural, electronic and photonic properties of DNA.

Studies of the electro-optical properties of DNA-based materials have given innovative ways to novel device implementation. For example, organic light emitting diodes (OLED) containing DNA electron blocking layers have been recently reported to exhibit significant enhancements in luminance and luminous efficiency compared to conventional OLED without the DNA layer.

Prof. Steckl Nanoelectronics Laboratory (University of Cincinnati, OH) is using salmon DNA to greatly boost the efficiency and brightness of organic light-emitting diodes. The DNA, was extracted from salmon sperm, a waste product of the salmon-fishing industry. When situated between hole-injection and hole-transport layers in the OLED, the DNA serves as an electron-blocking layer. Both bioLEDs and conventional OLEDs with common electro-optic-polymer (polymethyl methacrylate, or PMMA; and polyvinyl carbazole, or PVK) electron-blocking layers were fabricated.

This has given new direction to the OLED research and hopefully we will see Salmon DNA OLED in next cell phone display and other consumer products.

It appeals to scientific community to work on such innovative ways for sustainable, green nanotechnology. Hope to see continual growth in scientific community to explore extraordinary properties of this wonderful material.


[1] J. Steckl, “DNA – A New Material for Photonics”, Nature Photonics, Vol. 1(1), pp. 3, 2007.

[2] Z. Yu, J. A. Hagen, Y. Zhou, D. Klotzkin, J. G. Grote and A. J. Steckl , “Photoluminescence and Stimulated Emission from Deoxyribonucleic Acid Thin Films Doped with Sulforhodamine”, Applied Optics, Vol. 46, 2007.

[3] G. Zhang, L. Wang, and N. Ogata, “Optical and optoelectronic materials derived from biopolymer deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),” in Proc. SPIE 4580, 337–346 (2001).

[4] J. Hagen, W. Li, A. J. Steckl, "Enhanced emission efficiency in organic light-emitting diodes using deoxyribonucleic acid complex as an electron blocking layer" Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol.88, 171109, 2006.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

PPP Model for Nanotechnology- Nanotechnology Conclave 2007(INDIA NANO FLEDGING)


Prof V S Ramamurthy, Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT, urged the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to set up a center for Nano technology application partnering with Government and R&D institutions. He was addressing the Nanotechnology Conclave 2007, organised by the CII, Department of Science and Technology and the Government of India, alongside the International Engineering and Technology Trade Fair, here on Thursday.

Prof Ramamurthy said that at present, there is a gap between industry and research labs and we have to bring them closer. Converting lab ideas into successful business proposition is the challenge for us today. The missing link in the country is the absence of enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. Technology incubators linked with vibrant R&D labs, good mentor base and venture finance access can bridge the gap. Also, there is an urgent need for proper infrastructure facilities and human resource development initiatives through public private partnership in the field of nano science, he added.

Nanotechnology Conclave 2007

CII and the Department of Science and Technology organized the Nanotechnology Conclave 2007 on 15-16 February in New Delhi, alongside the IETF (International Engineering and
Technology Trade Fair) to facilitate collaborations between industry and institutes.

• Nanotechnology research in institutes and industry should be oriented towards national needs.
• A well equipped Centre is needed for entrepreneurs and industry to conduct R & D. This centre could be managed by CII.
• Health and environment related impacts of Nanotechnology need to be studied
• Industry and Institutes must collaborate in nanotechnology applications like medicine, catalysts, and carbon nanotubes.
• Future Conclaves should focus on fostering collaborations between institutes and industry in India.
• CII should help industry to utilize the facilities available in research institutes.
• A website has to be created to host the expertise available with institutes and industry in India and abroad.
• Establishment of a CII Nanotechnology Forum through the website can streamline

The conclave served as a platform to introduce new technologies that are under development from various institutes and industry. As he put it up, the challenges that our Nanotech efforts face are-

  • The gap between industry and research labs
  • Converting lab ideas into successful business proposition
  • Absence of enabling environment for innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Bringing in technology incubators linked with vibrant R&D labs, good mentor base and venture finance access to bridge the gap
  • Urgent need for proper infrastructure facilities and human resource development initiatives through public private partnership in the field of nano science

This is another positive sign of INDIA NANO FLEDGING.

Hope that Government keeps fueling the Nanotech growth in India.

Need of Responsible Nanotechnology

Today there are plenty of new technologies rising and seems to be prospective next BIG things.
But we need to be careful while choosing the right one for adoption, funding, promoting.
Along with the good things these technologies bring many BAD stuff and possible threats for humanity. In today’s techno-buzzing world we need to evaluate every step we take and it becomes more and more important as we advance further and further.

Let’s take Nanotechnology as we know it has all the capabilities to give for more than what we have dreamt of to serve humanity, to solve the problems in every area more or less. It is going to be disruptive technology affecting every aspect of human being.

There is LOT of good and for us it looks all good good. But there are possibilities of unpredicted consequences to our ecosystem if this goes uncontrolled. Already there has been lot written in Science Fiction Novels …by authors like Michal Crinton (Prey)…Grey Goo thing is lot discussed…

We must consider and analyze possibilities of all these BAD things that can happen before moving further. But there is problem in this also because, those who are working on the good part of it may want the results early and may not wait until (because the introspection always takes time and slows down the development process though it’s in the good of long term).

So I feel there is great responsibility on all the thinkers, Visionaries, Scientific community and science aware social community to discuss and ponder upon Development, Ethical , Social , natural etc issues related to the upcoming breakthrough technology before it becomes too late and things go out of control.

There is need to lead the responsible Nanotechnology. Already there are some efforts going in this direction. Centre for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) is one example and they are doing great work. CRN has taken the correct initiative and we need more people to involve in such efforts.

It is important to present information about Nanotechnology to Large people, and to hopefully raise their awareness of the complexity of the issues involved with the creation of technology.

The need and importance of it stems from following two major factors.

First, the acceleration of growth. Technologies are being developed at a quickening pace, with little time for existing institutions and policies to adapt. We can no longer afford a reactionary stance to future technologies, which in many respects will redefine what it is to be human.

Secondly, information pertaining to any technology is should be readily available to those who seek it. This availability of information allows for further such discussions to occur.

We through Nanotechnology Interest Group can hope to bring awareness of the Future technology, possibilities, potential, to address the societal impacts, ethical issues etc..such that better decisions and wiser choices can be made for the future. It will accelerate the development of clean, green, positive technology for betterment of humanity and stop from taking any decisions that will harm humanity, ecosystem in future.

Report and views on CRN- Responsible Nanotechnology Group

CRN is the only real unbiased one was the nonprofit group I observed. Center for Responsible Nanotechnology have the agenda of promoting “safe nanotechnology,” and can be considered neutral relative to the other sources, who either promoting mass fear of nanotechnology or promote almost entirely unconditional acceptance of it.

Following are the more details about CRN…some things like Mission and About us are copied from there site and then my views are expressed.

Mission copied from site:

The next Industrial Revolution is right around the corner. Fourth generation nanotechnology — molecular manufacturing — will radically transform the world, and the people, of the early 21st century. Whether that transformation will be peaceful and beneficial or horrendously destructive is unknown. Although nanotechnology carries great promise, unwise or malicious use could seriously threaten the survival of the human race. The vision of CRN is a world in which molecular manufacturing is widely used for productive and beneficial purposes, and where dangerous uses are limited.

The mission of CRN is to: 1) raise awareness of the benefits, the dangers, and the possibilities for responsible use of advanced nanotechnology; 2) expedite a thorough examination of the environmental, humanitarian, economic, military, political, social, medical, and ethical implications of molecular manufacturing; and 3) assist in the creation and implementation of wise, comprehensive, and balanced plans for responsible worldwide use of this transformative technology.

•About CRN copied from site:

The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology is a non-profit research and advocacy think tank concerned with the major societal and environmental implications of advanced nanotechnology. We are a modern, networked, virtual organization -- with no "brick and mortar" -- a collection of more than 100 volunteers, over 1000 interested followers, and a small team of primary coordinators.

CRN engages individuals and groups to better understand the implications of molecular manufacturing and to focus on the real risks and benefits of the technology. Our goal is the creation and implementation of wise, comprehensive, and balanced plans for responsible worldwide use of this transformative technology.

• Affiliated with WorldCare; WorldCare has its board of directors easily accessible – they include academia, media, businesspeople, and former government workers. Also get their money from grants/donations and had easily accessible financial statement

• Board of directors = academia/environmentalists/activists/businesspeople with government ‘special associates’

• Board is fairly balanced but it is mostly activists.

• Emphasis on international cooperation – but the international people are entrepreneurs, even though they are ‘social entrepreneurs’

• Eric Drexler is on this board

• Views (copied from website):

  • Effective use of nanotechnology can benefit everyone.
  • Unwise use of nanotechnology can be very dangerous.
  • Nanofactory technology can be used safely.
  • Preventing nanotechnology is impossible; careful study will be necessary for wise use.
  • Effective use of nanotechnology will require intelligent and prudent policy-making.
  • The situation is urgent; nanofactories may be developed within a decade.

This site has several links to educate the public, with some of the specifically meant to educate students on what nanotechnology is. They also have technical papers for free download and a blog. Overall this group focuses on educating the public on what nanotechnology/research advances so this way people can engage in *informed* dialogue about the societal implications of nanotechnology. The people that run the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology are very very open with absolutely everything that they do – this includes their sources of funding, their background, their views, and their goals. They have a Frequently Asked Questions page that very closely resembles the criteria for evaluating resources that we developed in class. This openness makes me trust these people, as does the fact that their views are actually quite similar to the views we seem to be developing in class – that we need to be cautious but optimistic. The founders of this group believe in the development/implementation of smart regulations for nanotechnology – but that research should go forward even though there are some dangers. People in this group believe that nanotechnology can be managed. This site is positive about nanotechnology as a whole but it manages to communicate this to the user in an unbiased fashion and I think that they do a good job of encouraging people to be open-minded who might not otherwise be that way.

CRN is mostly discussing about Molecular Nanotechnology(MNT), nanofactory, dangers, benefits vs Risks….etc

They have tree point agenda….




Issues cover What is Nanotechnology, Benefits, Risks?? . Solutions discusses How soon do we need to prepare ? Restrictions? How can opportunities extended to all?

Actions is to Join CRN , sign up etc. And I think this (Actions) part must be more active and be pragmatic. It must have more real activities and more to concentrate on.

Chris Phoenix, Director of Research, CRN released Thirty Essential Studies report which is well studied and documented.

WiseNano ( ) is a project run by CRN founders.

A collaborative project to study the facts and implications of advanced nanotechnology — a website for researchers worldwide to work together, helping to build an understanding of the technologies, their effects, and what to do about them.


Analysis of sources for midterm report by Maggie

-Center for responsible nanotechnology

Nano is everywhere…….

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are basically inspired by Nature and they are not new as they are already in Nature.

Nature is the perfect science and technology we could ever achieve and we are reaching the limits. In nanotechnology generation many times we are trying to mimic what already there in nature or the processes at molecular level.

According to me the nanotechnology may be the ultimate technology. I can say it as most disruptive technology till.

Since industrial revolutions we have made our lives too complicated day by day!!

There are the basic things that we had not much thought of. It is very common to think like n..making things with smallest thing..that is building things atom by atom.

Any Child will not refute this..Its natural and basic. As per science theories …everything around us…our cells, materials, trees, clothes …everything is made of certain molecules and in turn atoms. So theoretically everything can be made atom by atom if there is correct process in the place. So can we really make everything we see in Nature?? Theoretically Yes !! But practically its far away to think..its too complex and certain laws may not allow to build whatever things. But sure there are many possibilities beyond our imagination that can be help humanity advance.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

India Nano Fledging Continues -- Rs.1 bn grant each to Mumbai, Calcutta and Madras Universities

I forgot to mention about the news of Rs.1 bn grant each to Mumbai, Calcutta and Madras Universities in the previous India Nano Fledging blog.
This is another step towards India Nano Fledging!! Hope to hear such more news!!
This will help academia to focus on research, nanotechnology courses, promotion etc. All these universities have large impact on large pool of students and will help develope neccesery talent manpower for catering Nano India.

The government has given a special grant of Rs.1 billion each to Mumbai University, Calcutta University and Madras University to set up centres for nanosciences and nanotechnology and bio-medical technology, the Lok Sabha was informed on 15th May.

This allocation is the central government's contribution to commemorate the 150th anniversary of these three universities, Minister of State for Human Resource Development D.
Purandeswari said in a written reply.

Source: /

Nanopark at Bangalore – India Nano Fledging

There is good news for India Nano fledging:

Union Minister of State for Science and Technology Kapil Sibal has promised to provide funds for setting up a Nano Park in Bangalore, Minister for Science and Technology Ramachandra Gowda has said.The Union Government has set aside Rs. 1,000 crore to promote nanotechnology in India, and it is ready to provide Rs. 250 crore for the park in Bangalore, Mr. Gowda said. /Hindu Newspaper

This is another milestone towards maturing India as nanotechnology destination. Other news like Grant of 100 crores to establishment of an advanced centre for nanoscience and nanotechnology at Mumbai University, IITB-IISc Nanotechnology center 100 crores Funding, etc …funding efforts from government for promotion of Nanotechnology.

Another encouraging sign I noticed from is Google Trends* . India Tops unanimously since 2004 in Google trends for Nanotechnology. Following is the latest data from Google trends for Nanotechnology:

1. India
2. Iran
3. Singapore
4. Thailand
5. Malaysia
6. South Korea
7. Pakistan
8. South Africa
9. Philippines
10. Australia

1. Mahape, India
2. Pune, India
3. Hyderabad, India
4. Chennai, India
5. New Delhi, India
6. Delhi, India
7. Mumbai, India
8. Bangalore, India
9. Tehran, Iran
10. Singapore, Singapore

Rank by nanotechnology Learn more
See More at

This shows India as No.1 with first 8 cities in top 10 cities globally. This is great sign of awareness and interest rising in India. This shows the future strength of India as Nanotech destination after Software success.

A Google trend shows the interest level of the Indians in nanotechnology. So there is potential for Nanotech talent pool. Provided with resources, proper education, promotion, industry initiatives, product development, government policies , infrastructure development India will be clearly leading player in Nanotechnology revolution- the next BIG thing.
Such type of funding, promotion steps by government are positive steps towards the Indian dream of nanotechnology. This has to be repeated and see it as thrust area for development.

Finally it’s our (youth-future of India) responsibility to make it happen.
So Lets Do our Job well.

* What does Google trend shows? How it works?
About Google Trends:

With Google Trends, you can compare the world's interest in your favorite topics. Google Trends also displays how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and which geographic regions have searched for them most often.

Google Trends analyzes a portion of Google web searches to compute how many searches have been done for the terms you enter relative to the total number of searches done on Google over time. We then show you a graph with the results -- our search-volume graph -- plotted on a linear scale.
Located just beneath our search-volume graph is our news-reference-volume graph. This graph shows you the number of times your topic appeared in Google News stories. When Google Trends detects a spike in the volume of news stories for a particular term, it labels the graph and displays the headline of an automatically selected Google News story written near the time of that spike.
Below the search and news volume graphs, Google Trends displays the top cities, regions, and languages for the first term you entered.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nano-Book by Gasman

Lawrence Gasman has produced an exceptional contribution to the literature of nanotech, Nanotechnology: Applications and Markets. Everyone interested in exactly how nanotech is going to impact products, markets, industries and businesses must study this concise and worthwhile read.

Lawrence has decades of experience analyzing the impact of, commercialization processes and "productization" of new technologies, and he is one of the most down-to-earth reporters on the goings on in real world manufacturing and basic industrial demands, as well as the far-out world of nanotechnology.

The book's real value lays in chapters on nanotech's likely and UNLIKELY impacts on industries as diverse as semiconductors, medical, computing, pharmaceuticals, communications, alternative energy, pollution control and advanced materials. From there, Lawrence leads executives (and investors) on an examination of specific industry-related opportunities and then the step-by-step tools on exactly how to conduct a nanotech audit in any

Monday, May 28, 2007

Nanotechnology Resources:

Here I am listing some of the resources/ links about Nanotechnology.
Still I am in refining process and will be updating it soon. Please do share any link, articles you think that might be useful to include.

Web Links/Institutes
The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a federal R&D program established to coordinate the multiagency efforts in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. - Center for Responsible Nanotechnology - Wise-Nano project, is a collaborative website to study the facts and implications of advanced nanotechnology. This is a site for researchers worldwide to work together, helping to build an understanding of the technologies, their effects, and what to do about them.
Nanotechnology basics, news and general information.
The Project is dedicated to helping ensure that as nanotechnologies advance, possible risks are minimized, public and consumer engagement remains strong, and the potential benefits of these new technologies are realized.
The Institute of Nanotechnology is a charitable organization created to foster, develop and promote all aspects of science and technology in those domains where dimensions and tolerances in the range of 0.1 nm to 100nm play a critical role.
The Nano Science and Technology Consortium works to create a platform conducive for the growth, promotion and partnering in the field of Nano Science and Technology taking together industries, academics and government through consultative, advisory and educative processes which will provide growth platform for organizations, academics and governments for harnessing the Nano potential at Global level.
The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network ( NNIN ) is an integrated partnership of thirteen user facilities, supported by NSF, providing unparalleled opportunities for nanoscience and nanotechnology research.
The network provides extensive support in nanoscale fabrication, synthesis, characterization, modeling, design, computation and hands-on training. in an open, hands-on environment, available to all qualified users.
Offering the world's most comprehensive and diverse array of foundry processes and design expertise to take your MEMS and nanoscale projects from prototyping to production. National Research laboratory . Who’s and How’s of Nanotechnology.
Many Excellent Links related to Nanotechnology – EXCELLENT SOURSE Nanotech Law/Patent related things.

Nanotech IP LegalThe Nanotech Company's Corporate Development Team member, Steve Maebius, heads up Foley & Lardner's excellent IP team. Headlines, Reports etc related to Nanopharmaceuticals. NASA Center for Nanotechnology - Website focused on clearly explaining the concepts behind nanotechnology applications. - The Who is who of nanotechnologies - More Europe Specific
Check Your Nano IQ

NanoComputer Dream Team - Multidisciplinary project to make Earth's first nanometer supercomputer via Internet.
Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI)
The Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI) is chartered with the promotion and integration of nano and other advanced technologies through education, technology and business development. - Ralph Merkle's Home Page Nanotechnology, Molecular Manufacturing, and Productive Nanosystems IndiaNano
The Nanotechnology Research and Innovation Foundation (IndiaNano) is the Intellectual Property holding arm of the IndiaCo group. A not for profit society, IndiaNano functions as a venture Creation engine and technology transfer centre with an aim to catalyze public-private partnerships to create commercially viable nanotechnology enterprises. Institute for Molecular Manufacturing Institute for Soldier Nanotechnology Minnesota Nanotechnology Center.
INEX: Nanotechnology Exploitation
Innovation Relay Centre for Scotland
National Nanotechnology Initiative
Nature Materials
Biotech Directory Nanotechnology
Nano-Net European - Japanese Network for New Industries
Nanowerk LLC
Technology for Industry
The nanoHUB is a web-based initiative spearheaded by the NSF-funded Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN). The NCN has a vision to pioneer the development of nanotechnology from science to manufacturing through innovative theory, exploratory simulation, and novel cyber infrastructure.
Nanotube Modeler is a program for generating xyz-coordinates for Nanotubes and Nanocones. The Fullerene library by M.Yoshida may be accessed as well. Generated geometries may be viewed using the integrated viewer or by calling a viewer program of your choice. This program is based on the JNanotubeApplet but has improved and extended features.

Blogs - News and Events A blog devoted to emerging patent developments in the areas of microelectromechanical systems and nanotechnology. Independent nanotechnology information and commentary A weblog of nanotech its impact on the public :: tracking issues related to media coverage, public opinion, public policy, and public understanding of nanotechnology. Tracking the advances along different development pathways to molecularly precise manufacturing. Emerging technologies – bio, nano, info technology, and AI - are set to transform every sector of the economy, even as they add to the asymmetric threats that characterize our future. The OFFICIAL BLOG of professional operators with backgrounds in technology, entrepreneurship, and business living in the East Tennessee region including the area known as the "Knoxville - Oak Ridge: Innovation Valley". Minnesota Nanotechnology. This is a Nanotechnology blog dedicated to the continuing evolution and development of nanocrystals in chemistry, engineering, physics and biology. A blog devoted to emerging patent developments in the areas of microelectromechanical systems and nanotechnology.
Thoughts on the future of nanotechnology from Richard Jones. his blog is a repository of opinions on current events in the world of nanotechnology and risk. Specifically, it deals with perspectives on environmental health and safety of nanomaterials. This blog reports on a host of issues associated with research and policy of nanotechnology. The blogger is a PI or CoPI on three NSF grants. Opinions expressed here are his own. They should be NEITHER attributed to NOR associated with USC's NanoCenter, the University of South Carolina, North CarolinaState University, or the National Science Foundation. ABSTRACT ART - Monochromatic electron microscope scans of nano-sculptures created by the artist through chemical or/and physical processing are digitally painted and printed with archival inks on canvas or fine art paper.

Portals - Free access Nanotechnology Information Site, News, New Products, Supplier and Expert Directory.

Nanotechnology-specific news, products, jobs, events and information. Includes articles about nanotechnology of interest to the general public. Comprehensive nanoscience and nanotechnology resources

Communities - Spanish Nanotech Network Forum/Community The key aim of the NanoMicroClub and its networking meetings is to focus on bringing together nano and microtechnology companies, and providing them with an excellent opportunity to network with selected corporate members and key mentors from leading companies. NFT is an initiative funded by private individuals, corporations, and other foundations to accelerate research in nanotechnology by increasing the visibility of nanotechnology research, expanding research funding, and recruiting the best Nanotechnology researchers from around the world to come to Texas. - European nanotechnology trade alliance Nanotech Japan Nano Irish AtomWorks is a coalition of science and industry leaders dedicated to catalyzing nanotechnology development and commercialization in Illinois and throughout the Midwest. Irish Nanotech Association.

News Sites - Nanotechnology Forum and News Portal. LATEST NANOTECHNOLOGY NEWS: Difficult to figure how they make any money, but this is an interesting and informative site anyway, especially with regard to its monthly calendar of nanotech events worldwide that never fails to uncover the smallest, exotic, most esoteric nano-conferences out there.
A well-produced site with mostly original news stories on small (micro, MEMS, and nano) technologies. The site covers most nanotech developments, with a bias towards the business side, and categorizes the stories well. They also produce a glossy magazine and boast a small tech index. Owned by a prominent nano-vc firm. europe’s largest independent nanotech news the wave ™
Understand nanotechnology clearly, learn about nanotech sectors and new nanoproducts.
Get up-to-date evaluations of nanocompanies ,Obtain wise nanotechnology investment strategies. News.

Information Sites -Links is an online nanotechnology resource focusing on education of the general public and distribution of nanotech products.

Educational We work to enhance public appreciation of science and engineering through a central theme of "Exploring the Nanoworld" using:· web dissemination to novice learners· presentations in general public venues· contributions to popular publications and media Resource Portal -A repository for the collection and dissemination of information for NSEE Community.
NNIN has as its goals a wide variety of educational outreach that spans the spectrum of K-gray, i.e. school aged children through adult professionals. Education and outreach components of the NNIN include network-wide programs to address needs at the national scale and more specific efforts for communities that are local to network sites.
Te purpose and mission of The NanoTechnology Group Inc., is the facilitation of development of innovative Nano scale Science Education to include subject specific math curriculum targeted for grades preK-20, featuring Interactive Virtual Nano Science Classrooms for Global access and Virtual Interactive Nano Science Laboratories (nano-lab) for experiential learning, along with Massive Online Role-playing Games for Education globally.
National Center for Learning and Teaching in Nanoscale Science and Engineering Big Picture on Naotechnology
Nanocos: The Card Game of Nanotechnology Concepts - Elements Information NanoMissiontm the world's first scientifically accurate interactive 3d learning game based on understanding nano-sciences and nanotechnology.

Societies SMEBC is a non-profit international society which fosters the interdisciplinary study of molecular electronics, ionics and photonics and information processing in natural and artificial molecular and biomolecular systems. Materials Research Society
(International Council of Nanotechnology) ICON is an international, multi-stakeholder organization whose mission is to develop and communicate information regarding potential environmental and health risks of nanotechnology, thereby fostering risk reduction while maximizing societal benefit. Molecular Manufacturing Shortcut Group
Romote the development of nanotechnology as a means to facilitate the settlement of space. Taiwan Nanotech

Courses -Schools Nanoelectronics courses from Perdue
This gives Listing of various Nano Courses in Europe.

Books Nanotechnology Books List with Reviews

Articles - Myths and realities of nano futures BBC
BBC-In pictures: Nanotechnology - Building the future from the bottom up

Social and Ethical Issues in Nanotechnology
This portal aims to foster understanding of the social and ethical dimensions of nano R&D. It is meant both as a starting point to your inquiries, and as a returning point in your research.
To this end, Illinois Institute of Technology's (IIT's) Center on Nanotechnology and Society, an affiliate of the Institute on Biotechnology and the Human Future (IBHF), at Chicago-Kent College of Law, has been created to catalyze informed interdisciplinary research, education and dialogue on the ethical, legal, policy, business, and broader societal implications of nanoscale science and technology - all with a special focus on the human condition.
To develop innovative electronic, photonic, and magnetic nanoscale systems that collectively have potential to revolutionize information technology including electronics, communications, information storage and sensors.

Multimedia presentations are an important part of NNIN's education, training, and technology transfer offerings. Gathered here are a variety of multimedia offerings served directly from NNIN as well as from individual sites.

“Productive Nanosystems: From molecules to superproducts” Very Nice Educational Videos. Nanotech Podcasts
Nanotechnology- The new Plastic
Nanowires and Nanocrystals for Nanotechnology
Truth of Nanotechnology
Fascinating Nanotechnology
MEMS: Tools for Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology - Carbon Nanotubes
University of Nottingham Nanoscience Debate
Cancer Institute

NNI Centers Nanoscale Science and Engineering Centers

Arizona State University Center for Nanotechnology in Society
Columbia University Center for Electronic Transport in Molecular Nanostructures
Harvard University Center for Nanoscale Systems and their Device Applications
Museum of Science Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing
Northeastern University Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing
Northwestern University NSEC for Integrated Nanopatterning and Detection
Ohio State University Center for Affordable Nanoengineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute NSEC for Directed Assembly of Nanostructures
Rice University Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology
Stanford UniversityCenter for Probing the Nanoscale
University of California, Berkeley Center of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems
University of California, BerkeleyCenter for Scalable and Integrated Nano-Manufacturing
University of California, Santa Barbara Center for Nanotechnology in Society
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Center for Chemical-Electrical-Mechanical Manufacturing Systems
University of Pennsylvania Nano / Bio Interface Center
University of Wisconsin NSEC on Templated Synthesis and Assembly at the Nanoscale
Northwestern University National Center for Learning & Teaching in Nanoscale Science & Engineering
Museum of Science Center for Nanoscale Informal Science Eduction
Cornell University National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network
Purdue University Network for Computational Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology Quick Guide from Scidev Latest Nanotechnology from Japan

Conference/Event Sites

Nano for Kids Nanoscience for High School Students Its nano world

Products/Company -SET/Characterization etc CNT Material/Devices/ Systems products
Nano-Master, Inc. serves a broad range of industries and markets including Semiconductor, MEMS, Opto-electronics, Nano Technology, Manufacturing and R&D Markets. It provides state of art solutions in plasma processing, sputtering, thermal and e-beam evaporation, ion beam etching, megasonic wafer/mask cleaning, single wafer chemical processing and ultra-pure chemical handling technologies.

Nano-Master, Inc. manufactures a complete line of sputtering systems with reactive sputtering, co-sputtering and combinatorial sputtering, PECVD tools, RIE and Deep RIE systems along with thermal and e-beam evaporators, and single wafer megasonic cleaners.
NN-Labs, LLC (Nanomaterials and Nanofabrication Laboratories) is a privately held nanotechnology company based in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We have developed a variety of standardized colloidal nanocrystals that are available for purchase. NN-Labs is dedicated to offering, not only the highest quality nanocrystals, but superior customer service as well. This is why we strive to do our best to accommodate our customers' specific needs by welcoming custom orders. NN-Labs is continually researching methods for the development of new types of nanocrystals and nanocrystal based technologies such as LED lights, solar cells, biolabels, etc. Please take a moment to browse through our site.
Mission: RF MEMS and Nanotechnology Research, Consulting, and Education
Research: RF MEMS Devices and Circuits , Photonic Bandgap Crystal Devices (at Acoustic, Microwave and Optical length scales), Nanoelectromechanical Quantum Circuits and Systems
anonex NIL solution offers low-cost, high-throughput, large-area patterning of 3D nanostructures with sub-10 nm resolution and accurate overlay alignment. It also includes all forms of nanoimprinting, such as thermoplastic, uv-curable, thermal curable, and direct imprinting (embossing). The Nanonex NIL solution can meet the needs of a broad spectrum of markets, such as optical devices, displays, data storage, biotech, semiconductor ICs, chemical synthesis, and advanced materials. Carbon Nanotubes Production and Nanotechnology Services - CNT
nanoTox™ facilitates and accelerates the transition of safe nanotechnology from research and development into the marketplace.

nanoTox™ provides unique, cost-effective nanotoxicological tests and safety screening platforms that are effective and essential for nanotechnology design and engineering.
Mad City Labs, Inc is the leading American manufacturer of nanopositioning systems with sub-nanometer precision at an affordable price. We have the largest product line of nanopositioning systems available and specialize in custom nanopositioner applications. - AFM/Scanning Probe Microscopy
nPoint, Inc. is expanding the nano-frontier by providing nanopositioning tools to the world's most advanced laboratories and manufacturers.

Europe Specific Nanofactory Instruments
Nanotechnology tools industry, a one-stop-shop for nanotools for transmission electron microscopy. Product development, as well as through in-depth co-operation with eminent laboratories, research facilities and corporations. Nanofactory specialises in the application of nanoscale engineering to high-volume consumer products. We sign-post and showcase world-leading expertise, capabilities and facilities in micro- and nanotechnologies across the Yorkshire universities.

MikroMasch supplies a wide range of AFM probes, calibration gratings and other accessories for scanning probe microscopes.
Nanogate Germany
NanoLab Inc. NanoLab offers a wide variety of nanomaterials, including aligned nanotube arrays, carbon nanotube powders, nanoparticles and nanowires. We are also working to develop products in fields of composites, optical devices and field emission.
Nanoworld - Scanning probes for AFM.
Quantum Precision Instruments - Developing atomic precision sub-nanometer and sub-nanoradian positioning metrological devices and Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS).
Nanophase Technologies Corporation Nanophase Technologies is an industry-leading nanocrystalline materials innovator and manufacturer with an integrated family of nanomaterial technologies.
Activery Activery uses Supercritical Fluids (SCF) for the design, development and production of novel Crystal forms and innovative Drug Delivery Systems.
Other Nanotech Companies
The Nanotech Company, LLC is the leading, independent advisory firm that assists emerging nanotech companies achieve their corporate development goals by accessing its significant scientific, corporate development, and financial advisory resources.
This site contains a fairly thorough listing of nanotech companies, categorized by industry. The site also allows you to add your company/site to the index Database of MEMS and Nanotechnology companies. MANCEF globally supports the creation, exchange, and dissemination of knowledge vital to people, organizations, and governments interested in the commercialization of miniaturization technologies. - National Measurement Laboratory - Nanotech Market Research Aalyze provides investors with a controlled environment to research, analyze, and discuss "true" nanotechnology companies. Nano tech Stocks Nanotechnology Info for Invertors. nanotechnology investment and business related

Nanotechnology Journals
Nanotechnology ( Institute of Physics )
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (IEEE)
Journal of Nanoparticle Research (Kluwer Academic)
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology
Nano Letters (American Chemical Society)
Biomedical Microdevices (Kluwer Academic)
Nanotechnology Now (Mostly Business)
Small Times (General topics)
Forbes/Wolf Nanotech Report (Business and investing)
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology A weekly multijournal compilation of the latest research on nanoscale systems. Published by the American Institute of Physics and the American Physical Society.
Nano LettersHome site of Nano Letters, a premiere scientific journal geared specifically for nanotechnology research. Published by the American Chemical Society (ACS), accessing full articles requires a subscription. Nanotechnology Law & Business (NLB) is a peer reviewed journal devoted to the legal, business, and policy aspects of small scale technologies. NLB provides valuable expert insights and analysis for all professionals involved in these fast-developing fields.

Some Global Nano Links
Global Nanotechnology Network(GNN)

Irish Nanotechnology Association
Plastic Industry Case Study

International Association of Nanotechnology (IANT)
National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)
Nanotechnology Database
Center for Biological and Eivironmental Naotechnology (CBEN)
Center for Nanotechnology (University of Washington)
Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility
National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN)
Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF)
Center for Nanoscale Systems (CNS, Harvard University)
Nanotec Nanofabrication Facility at UC, Santa Barbara
nanoHUB¡¡online simulation and more
Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN)


Institute of Nanotechnology (IoN)
Micro and Nanotechnology Manufacturing Initiative (U.K.,DTI)
UK Micro and Nanotechnology(MNT) Network
UK MNT Directory (of Facilities and Services)



National Institute for Nanotechnology

NanoMat Karlsruhe
Institut fur Nanotechnologie (INT, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
Kompetensnetze Deutschland networking for innovation
ENNaB Excellence Network NanoBioTechnology
HanseNanoTec Competence Center Nanotechnology in Hamburg
NanoBioNet Center of Excellence of Nanobiotechnology(CC-NanoBioTech Center of Competence in Nanobiotechnology)
CC-NanoChem Network of Excellence for Chemical Nanotechnology
NanoOp Competence Center for the Application of Nanostructures in Optoelectronics Nano-CC-UFS Nanotechnology Center of Competence "Ultrathin Functional Films Saxony" CC UPOB Competence Center Ultra-precise Surface Figuring
INM Leibniz-Institut fuer Neue Materialien


Interuniversity MicroErectronic£ó Center ¡ÊIMEC)

Australian Research Council Nanotechnology Network (ARCNN)

Nano Technology Research Association (NTRA)

National Center for Nanoscience and Technology(NCNST) of China

Nanotechnology Center of the Industrial Technological Research Institute of Taiwan (ITRI)

Nanotechnology Interest Group

We are happy to launch NIG-Nanptechnology Interest Group.
This will provide paltform, forum to Nanotechnology enthusiasts to promote awareness, product developement, education , networking related to nanotechnology.
NIG will organize events, publications, lecture talks, meetings for its members at each chapter.
Initially we have started with NIG, Pune Chapter and subsequently it will be established gloabally. This is going to be common effort. This is and Not-For- Profit organization.
You are most welcome to share your views, ideas regarding the same at

Soon dedicated website and details will be posted.
Right now please send email to with following details :

Nanotechnology Interest Group

Contact No:
Your views and interests in Nanotechnology:

What is most appealing to you about Nanotechnology?

What do want to know more about in Nanotechnology?

What are your expectations from Nanotechnology?

Books on Nano/MEMS

Books on Nanotecchnology:

Norio Taniguchi, editor "Nanotechnology," Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2003.

· Joseph McGeough, editor "Micromachining of Engineering Materials," Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 2002.
· Marc Madou, "Fundamentals of Microfabrication: The science of miniaturization," CRC Press, LLC, 2002.
· Nadim Maluf, "An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering," Artech House, Boston, 2000.
· Stephen D. Senturia, "Microsystems Design," Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, November 2000

Book Resources On Applications of Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea by Mark A. Ratner
Nanofuture: What's Next For Nanotechnology by J. Storrs Hall

DNA Photonics

DNA – “the molecule of Life” – exciting new material for fabricating Photonics devices with improved properties.

The most important and famous biomaterial known to man is DNA, the polymeric molecule that carries the genetic code in all living organisms.

The continuous effort is being taken to develop photonics devices based on Organic Materials. It is inspired by possible use of range of materials and low cost production.

One of good example of this trend is Organic LED, which is at the heart of display technology now breaking into consumer electronics market and replacing small LEDs.

The DNA molecular structure (the famous double helix) consists of two intertwined spirals of sugar and phosphate molecules linked by hydrogen-bonded base pairs. The width of the double helix is about two nanometres and the length of the DNA molecule depends on the number of base pairs (about a third of nanometre per base pair). Synthesizing or manipulating DNA molecules by physical and chemical means can lead to a variety of structures at the nanoscale. Potential applications include assembly of molecular electronic devices, nanoscale robotics, DNA-based computation, for example. Synthetic DNA is also the material of choice for fundamental studies of electronic processes resulting from the interaction of DNA molecules with light.

DNA photonic devices can be split into two categories — wet devices and solid state devices. The wet category contains primarily optofluidic devices, where the DNA molecules are present in either an aqueous or organic-solvent solution and are transported in a fluid under the influence of electric fields or fluid flow.

In contrast, solid-state devices are based on thin films of DNA. DNA films are produced by solution methods at present, where a reaction between the DNA and a cationic surfactant (such as cetyltrimethyl ammonium — CTMA) produces a DNA–lipid complex that is insoluble in water but soluble in alcohols.

Live for Bigger Cause

On one day evening I and Pankaj went to one Telephone shop to fax my acceptance letter to University of Cincinnati. There we had a great experience to meet one old person (who was in his 60’s).
We were impressed with his particulates about the things, English fluency and overall discussion, way of his operation. Because normally there we don’t see anybody much leaned to operate fax machine, and small shop.
He was telling us the facts, importance of facts, etiquettes and also the things to take care about. Eventually we come to know though discussion that he was with ABB for about some 25-30 years and have experience to work abroad in some countries , who left the company and now looking after a small business as a personal interest.
He shared many of his experiences of dealing with Managers from USA, UK , Netherlands etc and also told the specialties, management styles according to his experience . He also shared about Indian mindset and impression to foreigners, good things etc. We liked and convinced to his thoughts. We had interesting discussion and were mostly hearing to him.
So after faxing the documents he asked the purpose of my travel to US and what I am going to do. So I told that I am going for my higher studies at University of Cincinnati in MEMS and Nanotechnology. I also told something about my NanoPassion dream.
He was very enthusiastic and keen to know more about Nanotechnology and asking few questions and information out of curiosity.

I stated with the basic idea and prospectus of Nanotechnology, the basics of technology, its fundamental shift etc etc…. While telling I observed glow on his face, his increasing curiosity, want to know more I felt nice to tell. His energy reached to pinnacle when we explained him about possible solutions of Medical Problems like Brain Tumors, Cancer etc with the help of this new technology and our Passion, motives behind NanoPassion.
He was so impressed and full energy was flowing in his nerves. His expressions were unanswerable and I we were just amazed!!!
He was inspiring us. His views on how should we go with, referring some quick big contacts who might help, and be interested. He even didn’t take full money of the bill. He had shown a great confidence in our ideas. His few sentences like “I will never forget these moments with you in my life” , “You can do it !! You will do it!! and it will give you the blessings of lot peoples when you will become successful on these ideas”, ‘This things will bring you ultimate satisfaction in Life’ etc. He stayed till late to discuss these things with us and also come by climbing stairs to say us bye bye.
Also promised us to help selflessly and introduce to some industrialists.

It was enthralling experience for us, which charged every part of our body and we felt very happy to see him happy. We felt very nice to make somebody happy and realized importance of our mission. This gave us immense motivation than any other thing. His Confidence in us and hopes became motivation and driving force for doing things further and gives meaning to what we supposed to do , wanted to do… worthy goal for us and all.

Finding the worthy goal is very important and is key for ones happiness in life.
Choosing to leave life for bigger cause is the best way you can do for yourself.